Commute Options

Bicycle Resources

Bicycle Resources

Find bike racks, a repair station, and lockers to make your commute easy.

CapMetro Bus Passes

CapMetro Bus Passes

Purchase discounted bus passes.

ParkATX Icon


Short term parking solution. 

Waze Carpool

Waze Carpool

Drive a carpool or join one.

Parking on Campus

Parking is enforced on campus twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 所有进入校园的车辆都必须持有许可证,并按照规定停车 St. Edward’s University Traffic and Parking Regulations. 该大学的停车系统消除了在挡风玻璃或仪表板上放置或打印物理许可证的需要, your license plate is your permit. 该大学使用车牌识别(LPR)技术进行执法和发放虚拟许可证. Please contact the Parking Services office at or (512) 326-PARK (7275) for all questions or concerns regarding campus parking. 

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What is the Austin Mobility Challenge?

With the population and employment in Central Texas growing, traffic congestion has become a major problem that threatens the economy, health, and wellbeing of the region. 交通系统无法处理所有在同一时间、同一方向上旅行的人, 尤其是当大多数旅行都是单人乘车时——我们的道路上没有足够的空间. That is why St. Edward's University joined the Austin Mobility Challenge!